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Xtreme Makeover

🤣 Don't miss out on all the amazing services offered by Xtreme Insurance, Realtor, and Pro DJ services! I have been putting this off for so long and I know when you see my posts it may have been challenging to figure out what in the world I am doing. I admit my lack of putting the time in to create one website which lists everything I do has me even confused sometimes. So that my clients, family and friends can more easily find everything in one place when they need it I am putting in the time now, before enrollment starts to get everything updated.

I am consolidating my and sites into one page. You will still be able to access the pages by using either URL. Doing this allows me the ability to better manage everything so I can better serve everyone. From the new page you will be able to sign up to be a site member giving you certain added benefits. You will be able to click on one of 3 categories off the home page and easily get to the right section. I am putting a lot of effort in and keep in mind I am not a web designer, I already have enough businesses to manage :)

You can preview the site now by clicking the links above. Please Bookmark the page if you find it useful and share among friends. I love what I do and I appreciate all my clients whether DJ, Insurance, or Real Estate as well as all my family and friends. Without your trust in me and encouragement I would never be where I am at today.

Stay tuned for more!🏠💼🎧 #XtremeMakeover


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